About Us
Welcome to Treasure Valley Auto Care

If you’re looking for a local Auto Repair shop you can trust, consider Treasure Valley Auto Care. We’ve been providing our friends and neighbors in Garden City, ID with dependable, trustworthy Auto Repair. Whether your vehicle needs a minor tune-up or a major overhaul, our service technicians can efficiently pinpoint solutions to problems, saving you valuable time and money.
Our Work is Guaranteed
3 Year Warranty
Experience and Expertise
Save Time and Money
Free Shuttle Service
Friendly Environment
Looking for a place you can trust to keep your vehicles rolling?

Our technicians stay up to date on the latest automotive technology, utilizing professional, hands-on experience working with many vehicle types. We use the most current diagnostic equipment available, including original factory equipment, allowing us to often more quickly uncover the problem and begin working on the solution. Combining cutting-edge technology with real-world experience, it’s our mission to get your car back on the road in less time than it takes other shops to simply figure out what’s wrong!
Further Training
Treasure Valley Auto Care has taken a proactive approach to keep an awesome team. We have high certification standards and we work with employees to develop a growth plan. We value continuing education through school, training, and recertifications. Thus, Treasure Valley Auto Care provides an annual allowance to encourage further training.
This allows us to stay up to date on modern vehicles and emerging technologies. It also helps Treasure Valley Auto Care keep an awesome team; a team that wants to deliver amazing service! Stop by and learn even more about us.

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Car Repairs Garden City, ID

Garden City, ID Automotive Repair Shop